Source code for ifermi.surface

"""Tools to generate isosurfaces and Fermi surfaces."""

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from import requires
from monty.json import MSONable, jsanitize
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.core import Spin

from ifermi.brillouin_zone import ReciprocalCell, WignerSeitzCell
from ifermi.interpolate import LinearInterpolator

    from import Collection

    from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
    from pymatgen.electronic_structure.bandstructure import BandStructure

    import mcubes
except ImportError:
    mcubes = None

    import open3d
except ImportError:
    open3d = None

__all__ = [

[docs] @dataclass class Isosurface(MSONable): """An isosurface object contains a triangular mesh and surface properties. Attributes: vertices: A (n, 3) float array of the vertices in the isosurface. faces: A (m, 3) int array of the faces of the isosurface. band_idx: The band index to which the surface belongs. properties: An optional (m, ...) float array containing face properties as scalars or vectors. dimensionality: The dimensionality of the surface. orientation: The orientation of the surface (for 1D and 2D surfaces only). """ vertices: np.ndarray faces: np.ndarray band_idx: int properties: np.ndarray | None = None dimensionality: str | None = None orientation: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None def __post_init__(self): """Ensure all inputs are numpy arrays.""" self.vertices = np.array(self.vertices) self.faces = np.array(self.faces) if is not None: = np.array( @property def area(self) -> float: r"""Area of the isosurface in Å\ :sup:`-2`\ .""" from ifermi.analysis import isosurface_area return isosurface_area(self.vertices, self.faces) @property def has_properties(self) -> float: """Whether the surface has properties.""" return is not None @property def properties_norms(self) -> np.ndarray: """(m, ) norm of isosurface properties.""" if not self.has_properties: raise ValueError("Isosurface does not have face properties.") if != 2: raise ValueError("Isosurface does not have vector properties.") return np.linalg.norm(, axis=1) @property def properties_ndim(self) -> int: """Dimensionality of face properties.""" if not self.has_properties: raise ValueError("Isosurface does not have face properties.") return
[docs] def average_properties( self, norm: bool = False, projection_axis: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None ) -> float | np.ndarray: """Average property across isosurface. Args: norm: Average the norm of the properties (vector properties only). projection_axis: A (3, ) in array of the axis to project the properties onto (vector properties only). Returns: The averaged property. """ from ifermi.analysis import average_properties if not self.has_properties: raise ValueError("Isosurface does not have face properties.") properties = if projection_axis is not None: properties = self.scalar_projection(projection_axis) return average_properties(self.vertices, self.faces, properties, norm=norm)
[docs] def scalar_projection(self, axis: tuple[int, int, int]) -> np.ndarray: """Get scalar projection of properties onto axis. Args: axis: A (3, ) int array of the axis to project onto. Return: (m, ) float array of scalar projection of properties. """ if not self.has_properties: raise ValueError("Isosurface does not have face properties.") if != 2: raise ValueError("Isosurface does not have vector properties.") return, axis)
[docs] def sample_uniform(self, grid_size: float) -> np.ndarray: """Sample mesh faces uniformly. See the docstring for ``ifermi.analysis.sample_surface_uniform`` for more details. Args: grid_size: The grid size in Å^-1. Returns: A (n, ) int array containing the indices of uniformly spaced faces. """ from ifermi.analysis import sample_surface_uniform return sample_surface_uniform(self.vertices, self.faces, grid_size)
def __repr__(self): """Get a string representation.""" rep = [ f"Isosurface(nvertices={len(self.vertices)}, " f"nfaces={len(self.faces)}, band_idx={self.band_idx}", ] if self.dimensionality is not None: rep.append(f", dim={self.dimensionality}") if self.orientation is not None: rep.append(f", orientation={self.orientation}") rep.append(")") return "".join(rep)
[docs] @dataclass class FermiSurface(MSONable): """A FermiSurface object contains isosurfaces and the reciprocal lattice definition. Attributes: isosurfaces: A dict containing a list of isosurfaces for each spin channel. reciprocal_space: A reciprocal space defining periodic boundary conditions. structure: The structure. """ isosurfaces: dict[Spin, list[Isosurface]] reciprocal_space: ReciprocalCell structure: Structure @property def n_surfaces(self) -> int: """Number of isosurfaces in the Fermi surface.""" return sum(self.n_surfaces_per_spin.values()) @property def n_surfaces_per_band(self) -> dict[Spin, dict[int, int]]: """Get number of surfaces for each band index for each spin channel. Returned as a dict of ``{spin: {band_idx: count}}``. """ from collections import Counter n_surfaces = {} for spin, isosurfaces in self.isosurfaces.items(): n_surfaces[spin] = dict(Counter([s.band_idx for s in isosurfaces])) return n_surfaces @property def n_surfaces_per_spin(self) -> dict[Spin, int]: """Get number of surfaces per spin channel. Returned as a dict of ``{spin: count}``. """ return {spin: len(surfaces) for spin, surfaces in self.isosurfaces.items()} @property def area(self) -> float: r"""Total area of all isosurfaces in the Fermi surface in Å\ :sup:`-2`\ .""" return sum(map(sum, self.area_surfaces.values())) @property def area_surfaces(self) -> dict[Spin, np.ndarray]: r"""Area of each isosurface in the Fermi surface in Å\ :sup:`-2`\ .""" return {k: np.array([i.area for i in v]) for k, v in self.isosurfaces.items()} @property def has_properties(self) -> bool: """Whether all isosurfaces have face properties.""" return len(self.isosurfaces) > 0 and all( len(s) > 0 and all(i.has_properties for i in s) # also check surfaces exist for s in self.isosurfaces.values() )
[docs] def average_properties( self, norm: bool = False, projection_axis: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None ) -> float | np.ndarray: """Average property across the full Fermi surface. Args: norm: Average the norm of the properties (vector properties only). projection_axis: A (3, ) in array of the axis to project the properties onto (vector properties only). Returns: The averaged property. """ surface_averages = self.average_properties_surfaces(norm, projection_axis) surface_areas = self.area_surfaces scaled_average = 0 total_area = 0 for spin in self.spins: for average, area in zip(surface_averages[spin], surface_areas[spin]): scaled_average += average * area total_area += area return scaled_average / total_area
[docs] def average_properties_surfaces( self, norm: bool = False, projection_axis: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None ) -> dict[Spin, list[float | np.ndarray]]: """Average property for each isosurface in the Fermi surface. Args: norm: Average the norm of the properties (vector properties only). projection_axis: A (3, ) in array of the axis to project the properties onto (vector properties only). Returns: The averaged property for each surface in each spin channel. """ return { k: [i.average_properties(norm, projection_axis) for i in v] for k, v in self.isosurfaces.items() }
@property def properties_ndim(self) -> int: """Dimensionality of isosurface properties.""" if not self.has_properties: raise ValueError("Isosurfaces don't have properties.") ndims = [i.properties_ndim for v in self.isosurfaces.values() for i in v] if len(ndims) > 0 and len(set(ndims)) != 1: warnings.warn( "Isosurfaces have different property dimensions, using the largest.", stacklevel=2, ) return max(ndims) @property def spins(self): """The spin channels in the Fermi surface.""" return tuple(self.isosurfaces.keys())
[docs] def all_vertices_faces( self, spins: Spin | Collection[Spin] | None = None, band_index: int | list | dict | None = None, ) -> list[tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """Get the vertices and faces for all isosurfaces. Args: spins: One or more spin channels to select. Default is all spins available. band_index: A choice of band indices (0-based). Valid options are: - A single integer, which will select that band index in both spin channels (if both spin channels are present). - A list of integers, which will select that set of bands from both spin channels (if both a present). - A dictionary of ``{Spin.up: band_index_1, Spin.down: band_index_2}``, where band_index_1 and band_index_2 are either single integers (if one wishes to plot a single band for that particular spin) or a list of integers. Note that the choice of integer and list can be different for different spin channels. - ``None`` in which case all bands will be selected. Returns: A list of (vertices, faces). """ if not spins: spins = self.spins elif isinstance(spins, Spin): spins = [spins] vertices_faces = [] if band_index is None: band_index = { spin: [i.band_idx for i in isosurfaces] for spin, isosurfaces in self.isosurfaces.items() } if not isinstance(band_index, dict): band_index = {spin: band_index for spin in spins} for spin, spin_index in band_index.items(): if isinstance(spin_index, int): band_index[spin] = [spin_index] for spin in spins: for isosurface in self.isosurfaces[spin]: if spin in band_index and isosurface.band_idx in band_index[spin]: vertices_faces.append((isosurface.vertices, isosurface.faces)) return vertices_faces
[docs] def all_properties( self, spins: Spin | Collection[Spin] | None = None, band_index: int | list | dict | None = None, projection_axis: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None, norm: bool = False, ) -> list[np.ndarray]: """Get the properties for all isosurfaces. Args: spins: One or more spin channels to select. Default is all spins available. band_index: A choice of band indices (0-based). Valid options are: - A single integer, which will select that band index in both spin channels (if both spin channels are present). - A list of integers, which will select that set of bands from both spin channels (if both a present). - A dictionary of ``{Spin.up: band_index_1, Spin.down: band_index_2}``, where band_index_1 and band_index_2 are either single integers (if one wishes to plot a single band for that particular spin) or a list of integers. Note that the choice of integer and list can be different for different spin channels. - ``None`` in which case all bands will be selected. projection_axis: A (3, ) in array of the axis to project the properties onto (vector properties only). norm: Calculate the norm of the properties (vector properties only). Ignored if ``projection_axis`` is set. Returns: A list of properties arrays for each isosurface. """ if not spins: spins = self.spins elif isinstance(spins, Spin): spins = [spins] projections = [] if band_index is None: band_index = { spin: [i.band_idx for i in isosurfaces] for spin, isosurfaces in self.isosurfaces.items() } if not isinstance(band_index, dict): band_index = {spin: band_index for spin in spins} for spin, spin_index in band_index.items(): if isinstance(spin_index, int): band_index[spin] = [spin_index] for spin in spins: for isosurface in self.isosurfaces[spin]: if spin in band_index and isosurface.band_idx in band_index[spin]: if projection_axis is not None: projections.append( isosurface.scalar_projection(projection_axis) ) elif norm: projections.append(isosurface.properties_norms) else: projections.append( return projections
[docs] @classmethod def from_band_structure( cls, band_structure: BandStructure, mu: float = 0.0, wigner_seitz: bool = False, decimate_factor: float | None = None, decimate_method: str = "quadric", smooth: bool = False, property_data: dict[Spin, np.ndarray] | None = None, property_kpoints: np.ndarray | None = None, calculate_dimensionality: bool = False, supercell_dim: tuple[int, int, int] = (3, 3, 3), trim_to_first_bz: bool = True, ) -> FermiSurface: """Create a FermiSurface from a pymatgen band structure object. Args: band_structure: A band structure. The k-points must cover the full Brillouin zone (i.e., not just be the irreducible mesh). Use the ``ifermi.interpolator.FourierInterpolator`` class to expand the k-points to the full Brillouin zone if required. mu: Energy offset from the Fermi energy at which the isosurface is calculated. wigner_seitz: Controls whether the cell is the Wigner-Seitz cell or the reciprocal unit cell parallelepiped. decimate_factor: If method is "quadric", and factor is a floating point value then factor is the scaling factor by which to reduce the number of faces. I.e., final # faces = initial # faces * factor. If method is "quadric" but factor is an integer then factor is the target number of final faces. If method is "cluster", factor is the voxel size in which to cluster points. Default is None (no decimation). decimate_method: Algorithm to use for decimation. Options are "quadric" or "cluster". smooth: If True, will smooth resulting isosurface. Requires PyMCubes. See compute_isosurfaces for more information. property_data: A property to project onto the Fermi surface. It should be given as a dict of ``{spin: properties}``, where properties is numpy array with shape (nbands, nkpoints, ...). The number of bands should equal the number of bands in the band structure but the k-point mesh can be different. Must be used in combination with ``kpoints``. property_kpoints: The k-points on which the data is generated. Must be used in combination with ``data``. calculate_dimensionality: Whether to calculate isosurface dimensionalities. supercell_dim: The supercell mesh dimensions. trim_to_first_bz: If true, only includes Fermi surface within one Brillouin zone. If false, include Fermi surface within entire supercell. Returns: A Fermi surface. """ from ifermi.kpoints import get_kpoint_mesh_dim, kpoints_from_bandstructure band_structure = deepcopy(band_structure) # prevent data getting overwritten structure = band_structure.structure fermi_level = band_structure.efermi + mu bands = band_structure.bands kpoints = kpoints_from_bandstructure(band_structure) kpoint_dim = get_kpoint_mesh_dim(kpoints) if != len(kpoints): raise ValueError( "Number of k-points ({}) in band structure does not match number of " "k-points expected from mesh dimensions ({})".format( len(band_structure.kpoints), ) ) if wigner_seitz: reciprocal_space = WignerSeitzCell.from_structure(structure) else: reciprocal_space = ReciprocalCell.from_structure(structure) interpolator = None if property_data is not None and property_kpoints is not None: interpolator = LinearInterpolator(property_kpoints, property_data) elif property_data is not None or property_kpoints is not None: raise ValueError("Both data and kpoints must be specified.") bands, kpoints = expand_bands( bands, kpoints, supercell_dim=supercell_dim, center=(1, 1, 1) ) if isinstance(decimate_factor, int): # increase number of target faces to account for 3x3x3 supercell decimate_factor *= 27 isosurfaces = compute_isosurfaces( bands, kpoints, fermi_level, reciprocal_space, decimate_factor=decimate_factor, decimate_method=decimate_method, smooth=smooth, calculate_dimensionality=calculate_dimensionality, property_interpolator=interpolator, trim_to_first_bz=trim_to_first_bz, ) if sum(len(spin_iso) for spin_iso in isosurfaces.values()) == 0: warnings.warn( "Fermi level does not cross any bands. Fermi surface will be empty.", stacklevel=2, ) return cls(isosurfaces, reciprocal_space, structure)
[docs] def get_fermi_slice(self, plane_normal: tuple[int, int, int], distance: float = 0): """Get a slice through the Fermi surface. Slice defined by the intersection of a plane with the Fermi surface. Args: plane_normal: (3, ) int array of the plane normal in fractional indices. distance: The distance from the center of the Brillouin zone (Γ-point). Returns: The Fermi slice. """ from ifermi.slice import FermiSlice return FermiSlice.from_fermi_surface(self, plane_normal, distance=distance)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d) -> FermiSurface: """Return FermiSurface object from dict.""" fs = super().from_dict(d) fs.isosurfaces = {Spin(int(k)): v for k, v in fs.isosurfaces.items()} return fs
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: """Get a json-serializable dict representation of FermiSurface.""" d = super().as_dict() d["isosurfaces"] = {str(spin): iso for spin, iso in self.isosurfaces.items()} return jsanitize(d, strict=True)
[docs] def compute_isosurfaces( bands: dict[Spin, np.ndarray], kpoints: np.ndarray, fermi_level: float, reciprocal_space: ReciprocalCell, decimate_factor: float | None = None, decimate_method: str = "quadric", smooth: bool = False, calculate_dimensionality: bool = False, property_interpolator: LinearInterpolator | None = None, trim_to_first_bz: bool = True, ) -> dict[Spin, list[Isosurface]]: """Compute the isosurfaces at a particular energy level. Args: bands: The band energies, given as a dictionary of ``{spin: energies}``, where energies has the shape (nbands, nkpoints). kpoints: The k-points in fractional coordinates. fermi_level: The energy at which to calculate the Fermi surface. reciprocal_space: The reciprocal space representation. decimate_factor: If method is "quadric", and factor is a floating point value then factor is the scaling factor by which to reduce the number of faces. I.e., final # faces = initial # faces * factor. If method is "quadric" but factor is an integer then factor is the target number of final faces. If method is "cluster", factor is the voxel size in which to cluster points. Default is None (no decimation). decimate_method: Algorithm to use for decimation. Options are "quadric" or "cluster". smooth: If True, will smooth resulting isosurface. Requires PyMCubes. Smoothing algorithm will use constrained smoothing algorithm to preserve fine details if input dimension is lower than (500, 500, 500), otherwise will apply a Gaussian filter. calculate_dimensionality: Whether to calculate isosurface dimensionality. property_interpolator: An interpolator class for interpolating properties onto the surface. If ``None``, no properties will be calculated. trim_to_first_bz: If true, only includes Fermi surface within one Brillouin zone. If false, include Fermi surface within entire supercell. Returns: A dictionary containing a list of isosurfaces for each spin channel. """ from ifermi.kpoints import get_kpoint_mesh_dim, get_kpoint_spacing # sort k-points to be in the correct order order = np.lexsort((kpoints[:, 2], kpoints[:, 1], kpoints[:, 0])) kpoints = kpoints[order] bands = {s: b[:, order] for s, b in bands.items()} kpoint_dim = get_kpoint_mesh_dim(kpoints) spacing = get_kpoint_spacing(kpoints) reference = np.min(kpoints, axis=0) isosurfaces = {} for spin, ebands in bands.items(): ebands -= fermi_level spin_isosurface = [] for band_idx, energies in enumerate(ebands): if not np.nanmax(energies) > 0 > np.nanmin(energies): # if band doesn't cross the Fermi level then skip it continue band_isosurfaces = _calculate_band_isosurfaces( spin, band_idx, energies, kpoint_dim, spacing, reference, reciprocal_space, decimate_factor, decimate_method, smooth, calculate_dimensionality, property_interpolator, trim_to_first_bz, ) spin_isosurface.extend(band_isosurfaces) isosurfaces[spin] = spin_isosurface return isosurfaces
def _calculate_band_isosurfaces( spin: Spin, band_idx: int, energies: np.ndarray, kpoint_dim: tuple[int, int, int], spacing: np.ndarray, reference: np.ndarray, reciprocal_space: ReciprocalCell, decimate_factor: float | None, decimate_method: str, smooth: bool, calculate_dimensionality: bool, property_interpolator: LinearInterpolator | None, trim_to_first_bz: bool = True, ): """Helper function to calculate the connected isosurfaces for a band.""" from skimage.measure import marching_cubes from ifermi.analysis import ( connected_subsurfaces, equivalent_surfaces, isosurface_dimensionality, ) rlat = reciprocal_space.reciprocal_lattice if smooth and mcubes is None: smooth = False warnings.warn( "Smoothing disabled, install PyMCubes to enable smoothing.", stacklevel=2 ) if decimate_factor is not None and open3d is None: decimate_factor = None warnings.warn( "Decimation disabled, install open3d to enable decimation.", stacklevel=2 ) band_data = energies.reshape(kpoint_dim) if smooth: smoothed_band_data = mcubes.smooth(band_data) verts, faces = mcubes.marching_cubes(smoothed_band_data, 0) # have to manually set spacing with PyMCubes verts *= spacing # comes out as np.uint64, but trimesh doesn't like this faces = faces.astype(np.int32) else: verts, faces, _, _ = marching_cubes(band_data, 0, spacing=spacing) if decimate_factor: verts, faces = decimate_mesh( verts, faces, decimate_factor, method=decimate_method ) verts += reference # break the isosurface into connected subsurfaces subsurfaces = connected_subsurfaces(verts, faces) if calculate_dimensionality: # calculate dimensionality of periodically equivalent surfaces. dimensionalities = {} mapping = equivalent_surfaces([s[0] for s in subsurfaces]) for idx in mapping: dimensionalities[idx] = isosurface_dimensionality(*subsurfaces[idx]) else: dimensionalities = None mapping = np.zeros(len(subsurfaces)) isosurfaces = [] dimensionality = None orientation = None properties = None for (subverts, subfaces), idx in zip(subsurfaces, mapping): # convert vertices to cartesian coordinates subverts =, rlat) if trim_to_first_bz: subverts, subfaces = trim_surface(reciprocal_space, subverts, subfaces) if len(subverts) == 0: # skip surfaces that do not enter the reciprocal space boundaries continue if calculate_dimensionality: dimensionality, orientation = dimensionalities[idx] if property_interpolator is not None: properties = face_properties( property_interpolator, subverts, subfaces, band_idx, spin, rlat ) isosurface = Isosurface( vertices=subverts, faces=subfaces, band_idx=band_idx, properties=properties, dimensionality=dimensionality, orientation=orientation, ) isosurfaces.append(isosurface) return isosurfaces
[docs] def trim_surface( reciprocal_cell: ReciprocalCell, vertices: np.ndarray, faces: np.ndarray ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Trim the surface to remove parts outside the cell boundaries. Will add new triangles at the boundary edges as necessary to produce a smooth surface. Args: reciprocal_cell: The reciprocal space object. vertices: A (n, 3) float array of the vertices in the isosurface. faces: A (m, 3) int array of the faces of the isosurface. Returns: (vertices, faces) of the trimmed surface. """ from trimesh.intersections import slice_faces_plane for center, normal in zip(reciprocal_cell.centers, reciprocal_cell.normals): vertices, faces = slice_faces_plane(vertices, faces, -normal, center)[:2] return vertices, faces
[docs] def expand_bands( bands: dict[Spin, np.ndarray], fractional_kpoints: np.ndarray, supercell_dim: tuple[int, int, int] = (3, 3, 3), center: tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), ) -> tuple[dict[Spin, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]: """Expand the band energies and k-points with periodic boundary conditions. Args: bands: The band energies, given as a dictionary of ``{spin: energies}``, where energies has the shape (nbands, nkpoints). fractional_kpoints: A (n, 3) float array of the fractional k-point coordinates. supercell_dim: The supercell mesh dimensions. center: The cell on which the supercell is centered. Returns: (energies, kpoints) The expanded band energies and k-points. """ final_ebands = {} nk = len(fractional_kpoints) ncells = final_kpoints = np.tile(fractional_kpoints, (ncells, 1)) for n, (i, j, k) in enumerate(np.ndindex(supercell_dim)): final_kpoints[n * nk : (n + 1) * nk] += [i, j, k] final_kpoints -= center for spin, ebands in bands.items(): final_ebands[spin] = np.tile(ebands, (1, ncells)) return final_ebands, final_kpoints
[docs] def face_properties( interpolator: LinearInterpolator, vertices: np.ndarray, faces: np.ndarray, band_idx: int, spin: Spin, reciprocal_lattice: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """Interpolate properties data onto the Fermi surfaces. Args: interpolator: Periodic interpolator for property data. vertices: A (n, 3) float array of the vertices in the isosurface. faces: A (m, 3) int array of the faces of the isosurface. band_idx: The band that the isosurface belongs to. spin: The spin channel the isosurface belongs to. reciprocal_lattice: Reciprocal lattice matrix Returns: A (m, ...) float array of the interpolated properties at the center of each face in the isosurface. """ from ifermi.kpoints import kpoints_to_first_bz # get the center of each of face in fractional coords inv_lattice = np.linalg.inv(reciprocal_lattice) face_verts =, inv_lattice)[faces] centers = face_verts.mean(axis=1) # convert to 1st BZ centers = kpoints_to_first_bz(centers) # get interpolated properties at center of faces band_idxs = np.full(len(centers), band_idx) return interpolator.interpolate(spin, band_idxs, centers)
[docs] @requires(open3d, "open3d package is required for mesh decimation") def decimate_mesh( vertices: np.ndarray, faces: np.ndarray, factor: float, method="quadric" ): """Decimate mesh to reduce the number of triangles and vertices. The open3d package is required for decimation. Args: vertices: A (n, 3) float array of the vertices in the isosurface. faces: A (m, 3) int array of the faces of the isosurface. factor: If method is "quadric", and factor is a floating point value then factor is the scaling factor by which to reduce the number of faces. I.e., final # faces = initial # faces * factor. If method is "quadric" but factor is an integer then factor is the target number of final faces. If method is "cluster", factor is the voxel size in which to cluster points. method: Algorithm to use for decimation. Options are "quadric" or "cluster". Returns: (vertices, faces) of the decimated mesh. """ # convert mesh to open3d format o3d_verts = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(vertices) o3d_faces = open3d.utility.Vector3iVector(faces) o3d_mesh = open3d.geometry.TriangleMesh(o3d_verts, o3d_faces) # decimate mesh if method == "quadric": if isinstance(factor, int): n_target_triangles = min(factor, len(faces)) else: n_target_triangles = int(len(faces) * factor) o3d_new_mesh = o3d_mesh.simplify_quadric_decimation(n_target_triangles) else: cluster_type = open3d.geometry.SimplificationContraction.Quadric o3d_new_mesh = o3d_mesh.simplify_vertex_clustering(factor, cluster_type) return np.array(o3d_new_mesh.vertices), np.array(o3d_new_mesh.triangles)