Source code for ifermi.slice

"""Tools to generate Isolines and Fermi slices."""

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from monty.json import MSONable
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.core import Spin

from ifermi.analysis import equivalent_vertices, longest_simple_paths

    from import Collection

    from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure

    from ifermi.brillouin_zone import ReciprocalSlice

__all__ = ["Isoline", "FermiSlice", "process_lines", "interpolate_segments"]

[docs] @dataclass class Isoline(MSONable): """An isoline object contains line segments mesh and line properties. Attributes: segments: A (n, 2, 2) float array of the line segments.. band_idx: The band index to which the slice belongs. properties: An optional (n, ...) float array containing segment properties as scalars or vectors. """ segments: np.ndarray band_idx: int properties: np.ndarray | None = None def __post_init__(self): """Ensure all inputs are numpy arrays.""" self.segments = np.array(self.segments) if is not None: = np.array( @property def has_properties(self) -> float: """Whether the isoline has properties.""" return is not None
[docs] def scalar_projection(self, axis: tuple[int, int, int]) -> np.ndarray: """Get scalar projection of properties onto axis. Args: axis: A (3, ) int array of the axis to project onto. """ if not self.has_properties: raise ValueError("Isoline does not have segment properties.") if != 2: raise ValueError("Isoline does not have vector properties.") return, axis)
@property def properties_norms(self) -> np.ndarray: """(m, ) norm of isoline properties.""" if not self.has_properties: raise ValueError("Isoline does not have segment properties.") if != 2: raise ValueError("Isoline does not have vector properties.") return np.linalg.norm(, axis=1) @property def properties_ndim(self) -> int: """Dimensionality of face properties.""" if not self.has_properties: raise ValueError("Isoline does not have segment properties.") return
[docs] def sample_uniform(self, spacing: float) -> np.ndarray: """Sample line segments uniformly. See the docstring for ``ifermi.analysis.sample_line_uniform`` for more details. Args: spacing: The spacing in Å^-1. Returns: A (n, ) int array containing the indices of uniformly spaced segments. """ from ifermi.analysis import sample_line_uniform return sample_line_uniform(self.segments, spacing)
[docs] @dataclass class FermiSlice(MSONable): """A FermiSlice object is a 2D slice through a Fermi surface. Attributes: isolines: A dict containing a list of isolines for each spin channel. reciprocal_space: A reciprocal slice defining the intersection of the slice with the Brillouin zone edges. structure: The structure. """ isolines: dict[Spin, list[Isoline]] reciprocal_slice: ReciprocalSlice structure: Structure @property def n_lines(self) -> int: """Number of isolines in the Fermi slice.""" return sum(self.n_lines_per_spin.values()) @property def n_lines_per_band(self) -> dict[Spin, dict[int, int]]: """Get number of lines for each band index for each spin channel. Returned as a dict of ``{spin: {band_idx: count}}``. """ from collections import Counter n_surfaces = {} for spin, isosurfaces in self.isolines.items(): n_surfaces[spin] = dict(Counter([s.band_idx for s in isosurfaces])) return n_surfaces @property def n_lines_per_spin(self) -> dict[Spin, int]: """Get number of lines per spin channel. Returned as a dict of ``{spin: count}``. """ return {spin: len(surfaces) for spin, surfaces in self.isolines.items()} @property def has_properties(self) -> bool: """Whether all isolines have segment properties.""" return len(self.isolines) > 0 and all( len(s) > 0 and all(i.has_properties for i in s) # ensure isolines exist for s in self.isolines.values() ) @property def spins(self) -> tuple[Spin]: """The spin channels in the Fermi slice.""" return tuple(self.isolines.keys()) @property def properties_ndim(self) -> int: """Dimensionality of isoline properties.""" if not self.has_properties: raise ValueError("Isolines don't have properties.") ndims = [i.properties_ndim for v in self.isolines.values() for i in v] if len(set(ndims)) != 1: warnings.warn( "Ioslines have different property dimensions, using the largest.", stacklevel=2, ) return max(ndims)
[docs] def all_lines( self, spins: Spin | Collection[Spin] | None = None, band_index: int | list | dict | None = None, ) -> list[np.ndarray]: """Get the segments for all isolines. Args: spins: One or more spin channels to select. Default is all spins available. band_index: A choice of band indices (0-based). Valid options are: - A single integer, which will select that band index in both spin channels (if both spin channels are present). - A list of integers, which will select that set of bands from both spin channels (if both a present). - A dictionary of ``{Spin.up: band_index_1, Spin.down: band_index_2}``, where band_index_1 and band_index_2 are either single integers (if one wishes to plot a single band for that particular spin) or a list of integers. Note that the choice of integer and list can be different for different spin channels. - ``None`` in which case all bands will be selected. Returns: A list of segments arrays. """ if not spins: spins = self.spins elif isinstance(spins, Spin): spins = [spins] lines = [] if band_index is None: band_index = { spin: [i.band_idx for i in isolines] for spin, isolines in self.isolines.items() } if not isinstance(band_index, dict): band_index = {spin: band_index for spin in spins} for spin, spin_index in band_index.items(): if isinstance(spin_index, int): band_index[spin] = [spin_index] for spin in spins: for isoline in self.isolines[spin]: if spin in band_index and isoline.band_idx in band_index[spin]: lines.append(isoline.segments) return lines
[docs] def all_properties( self, spins: Spin | Collection[Spin] | None = None, band_index: int | list | dict | None = None, projection_axis: tuple[int, int, int] | None = None, norm: bool = False, ) -> list[np.ndarray]: """Get the properties for all isolines. Args: spins: One or more spin channels to select. Default is all spins available. band_index: A choice of band indices (0-based). Valid options are: - A single integer, which will select that band index in both spin channels (if both spin channels are present). - A list of integers, which will select that set of bands from both spin channels (if both a present). - A dictionary of ``{Spin.up: band_index_1, Spin.down: band_index_2}``, where band_index_1 and band_index_2 are either single integers (if one wishes to plot a single band for that particular spin) or a list of integers. Note that the choice of integer and list can be different for different spin channels. - ``None`` in which case all bands will be selected. projection_axis: A (3, ) in array of the axis to project the properties onto (vector properties only). norm: Calculate the norm of the properties (vector properties only). Ignored if ``projection_axis`` is set. Returns: A list of properties arrays for each isosurface. """ if not spins: spins = self.spins elif isinstance(spins, Spin): spins = [spins] projections = [] if band_index is None: band_index = { spin: [i.band_idx for i in isolines] for spin, isolines in self.isolines.items() } if not isinstance(band_index, dict): band_index = {spin: band_index for spin in spins} for spin, spin_index in band_index.items(): if isinstance(spin_index, int): band_index[spin] = [spin_index] for spin in spins: for isoline in self.isolines[spin]: if spin in band_index and isoline.band_idx in band_index[spin]: if projection_axis is not None: projections.append(isoline.scalar_projection(projection_axis)) elif norm: projections.append(isoline.properties_norms) else: projections.append( return projections
[docs] @classmethod def from_fermi_surface( cls, fermi_surface, plane_normal: tuple[int, int, int], distance: float = 0, ) -> FermiSlice: """Get a slice through the Fermi surface. The slice is defined by the intersection of a plane with the Fermi surface. Args: fermi_surface: A Fermi surface object. plane_normal: (3, ) int array of the plane normal in fractional indices. distance: The distance from the center of the Brillouin zone (Γ-point). Returns: The Fermi slice. """ from collections import defaultdict from trimesh import Trimesh from trimesh.intersections import mesh_multiplane cart_normal = plane_normal, fermi_surface.reciprocal_space.reciprocal_lattice ) cart_origin = cart_normal * distance isolines = defaultdict(list) for spin in fermi_surface.spins: for isosurface in fermi_surface.isosurfaces[spin]: mesh = Trimesh(vertices=isosurface.vertices, faces=isosurface.faces) lines, _, face_idxs = mesh_multiplane( mesh, cart_origin, cart_normal, [0] ) # only provided one mesh, so get the segments and faces for that segments = lines[0] face_idxs = face_idxs[0] if len(segments) == 0: # plane did not intersect surface continue paths = process_lines(segments, face_idxs) for path_segments, path_faces in paths: path_properties = None if isosurface.has_properties: path_properties =[path_faces] path_segments, path_properties = interpolate_segments( path_segments, path_properties, 0.001 ) isoline = Isoline( segments=path_segments, band_idx=isosurface.band_idx, properties=path_properties, ) isolines[spin].append(isoline) reciprocal_slice = fermi_surface.reciprocal_space.get_reciprocal_slice( plane_normal, distance ) if len(isolines) == 0: warnings.warn( "Fermi slice does not cross any isosurfaces and will be empty.", stacklevel=2, ) return FermiSlice(dict(isolines), reciprocal_slice, fermi_surface.structure)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d) -> FermiSlice: """Return FermiSlice object from a dict.""" fs = super().from_dict(d) fs.isolines = {Spin(int(k)): v for k, v in fs.isolines.items()} return fs
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: """Get a json-serializable dict representation of a FermiSlice.""" d = super().as_dict() d["isolines"] = {str(spin): iso for spin, iso in self.isolines.items()} return d
[docs] def process_lines( segments: np.ndarray, face_idxs: np.ndarray ) -> list[tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """Process segments and face_idxs from mesh_multiplane. The key issue is that the segments from mesh_multiplane do not correspond to individual lines, nor are they sorted in a continuous order. Instead they are just a list of randomly ordered segments. This causes trouble later on when trying to interpolate the lines or add equally spaced arrows. The goal of this function is to identify the separate paths in the segments (a path is a collection of segments that are connected together), and return these segments in the order that they are connected. By looping through each segment, you will be proceeding along the line in a certain direction. Because the original segments may contain multiple paths, a list of segments and their corresponding face indices are returned. Lastly, note that there is no guarantee that all of the original segments will be used in the processed segments. This is because some of the original segments are very small and will be filtered out. Args: segments: A (n, 2, 2) float array of the line segments. face_idxs: The face indices that each segment belongs to. Returns: A list of (segments, faces) for each path. """ # turn segments [shape: (nsegments, 2, 2)], to vertices [shape: (nsegments * 2, 2)] vertices = segments.reshape(-1, 2) # create edges that correspond to the original segments, i.e., [(0, 1), (2, 3), ...] edges = np.arange(0, len(vertices)).reshape(len(segments), 2) # merge vertices that are close together and get an equivalence mapping mapping = equivalent_vertices(vertices) # get the indices of the unique vertices unique_vertices_idx = np.unique(mapping) # use only equivalent vertices for the edges edges = mapping[edges] # some of the edges may now be duplicates, and some even may be edges between # the same vertex; filter these duplicates/self edges but keep track of the index # of the unique edges in the original edges array. We keep this information as this # index is used to identify the face that each segment belongs to unique_edges, unique_edge_idxs = np.unique(edges, axis=0, return_index=True) # filter self edges non_self_edges = unique_edges[:, 0] != unique_edges[:, 1] # these are the unique/non-self edges unique_edges = unique_edges[non_self_edges] # these are the indices of the unique edges in the original edges array unique_edge_idxs = unique_edge_idxs[non_self_edges] # create a mapping from the edge data to the original edge index edge_mapping = { (min(u, v), max(u, v)): idx for (u, v), idx in zip(unique_edges, unique_edge_idxs) } # get the longest paths for each subgraph paths = longest_simple_paths(unique_vertices_idx, unique_edges) # get the new segments and corresponding face indices for each path path_data = [] for path in paths: pair_path = np.array(list(_pairwise(path))) new_segments = vertices[pair_path] edge_idxs = np.array( [edge_mapping[(min(u, v), max(u, v))] for u, v in pair_path] ) new_faces = face_idxs[edge_idxs] path_data.append((new_segments, new_faces)) return path_data
[docs] def interpolate_segments( segments: np.ndarray, properties: np.ndarray, max_spacing: float ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Resample a series of line segments to a consistent density. Note: the segments must be ordered so that they are adjacent. Args: segments: A (n, 2, 2) float array of the line segments. properties: A (n, ...) float array of the segment properties. max_spacing: The desired spacing after interpolation. Note, the spacing may be slightly smaller than this value. Returns: (segments, properties): The interpolated segments and properties. """ from scipy.interpolate import interp1d is_cycle = np.allclose(segments[0, 0], segments[-1, 1], atol=1e-4) if len(segments) < 3: return segments, properties vert = np.concatenate([segments[:, 0], segments[-1, 1][None]]) lengths = np.linalg.norm(vert[:-1] - vert[1:], axis=1) length = np.sum(lengths) vert_dist = np.concatenate([[0], np.cumsum(lengths)]) proj_dist = np.concatenate([[0], (vert_dist[:-1] + vert_dist[1:]) / 2, [length]]) if is_cycle: proj_start = [(properties[0] + properties[-1]) / 2] properties = np.concatenate([proj_start, properties, proj_start]) else: properties = np.concatenate([[properties[0]], properties, [properties[-1]]]) vert_interpolator = interp1d( vert_dist, vert, kind="cubic", axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate", ) proj_interpolator = interp1d( proj_dist, properties, kind="linear", axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate", ) vert_xs = np.linspace(0, length, int(np.ceil(length / max_spacing))) proj_xs = (vert_xs[:-1] + vert_xs[1:]) / 2 new_vert = vert_interpolator(vert_xs) new_proj = proj_interpolator(proj_xs) new_segments = np.array(list(_pairwise(new_vert))) return new_segments, new_proj
def _pairwise(iterable): """Convert an iterable, s, to (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ...""" from itertools import tee a, b = tee(iterable) next(b, None) return zip(a, b)