Source code for ifermi.interpolate

"""Tools for Fourier and linear interpolation."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.bandstructure import BandStructure

    from pymatgen.electronic_structure.core import Spin

__all__ = ["FourierInterpolator", "LinearInterpolator", "trim_bandstructure"]

[docs] class FourierInterpolator: """Class to perform Fourier interpolation of electronic band structures. Interpolation is performed using BoltzTraP2. Args: band_structure: The Bandstructure object to be interpolated. magmom: Magnetic moments of the atoms. mommat: Momentum matrix, as supported by BoltzTraP2. """ def __init__( self, band_structure: BandStructure, magmom: np.ndarray | None = None, mommat: np.ndarray | None = None, ): from BoltzTraP2.units import Angstrom from import AseAtomsAdaptor from ifermi.kpoints import kpoints_from_bandstructure self._band_structure = band_structure self._spins = self._band_structure.bands.keys() self._lattice_matrix = band_structure.structure.lattice.matrix.T * Angstrom self._kpoints = kpoints_from_bandstructure(band_structure) self._atoms = AseAtomsAdaptor.get_atoms(band_structure.structure) self._magmom = magmom self._mommat = mommat self._structure = band_structure.structure
[docs] def interpolate_bands( self, interpolation_factor: float = 5, return_velocities: bool = False, nworkers: int = -1, ): """Get an interpolated pymatgen band structure. Note, the interpolation mesh is determined using by ``interpolate_factor`` option in the ``FourierInterpolator`` constructor. The degree of parallelization is controlled by the ``nworkers`` option. Args: interpolation_factor: The factor by which the band structure will be interpolated. return_velocities: Whether to return the group velocities. nworkers: The number of processors used to perform the interpolation. If set to ``-1``, the number of workers will be set to the number of CPU cores. Returns: The interpolated electronic structure. If ``return_velocities`` is True, the group velocities will also be returned as a dict of ``{Spin: velocities}`` where velocities is a numpy array with the shape (nbands, nkpoints, 3) and has units of m/s. """ import multiprocessing from BoltzTraP2 import fite, sphere from BoltzTraP2.units import eV from import AseAtomsAdaptor from scipy.constants import physical_constants from spglib import spglib from ifermi.boltztrap import bands_fft from ifermi.kpoints import sort_boltztrap_to_spglib coefficients = {} equivalences = sphere.get_equivalences( atoms=self._atoms, nkpt=self._kpoints.shape[0] * interpolation_factor, magmom=self._magmom, ) # get the interpolation mesh used by BoltzTraP2 interpolation_mesh = 2 * np.max(np.abs(np.vstack(equivalences)), axis=0) + 1 for spin in self._spins: energies = self._band_structure.bands[spin] * eV data = DFTData( self._kpoints, energies, self._lattice_matrix, mommat=self._mommat ) coefficients[spin] = fite.fitde3D(data, equivalences) nworkers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if nworkers == -1 else nworkers energies = {} velocities = {} for spin in self._spins: energies[spin], velocities[spin] = bands_fft( equivalences, coefficients[spin], self._lattice_matrix, nworkers=nworkers, ) # boltztrap2 gives energies in Rydberg, convert to eV energies[spin] /= eV # velocities in Bohr radius * Rydberg / hbar, convert to m/s. velocities[spin] *= ( physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0] / physical_constants["atomic unit of time"][0] ) efermi = self._band_structure.efermi atoms = AseAtomsAdaptor().get_atoms(self._band_structure.structure) atoms = (atoms.get_cell(), atoms.get_scaled_positions(), atoms.numbers) mapping, grid = spglib.get_ir_reciprocal_mesh( interpolation_mesh, atoms, symprec=0.1 ) kpoints = grid / interpolation_mesh # sort energies so they have the same order as the k-points generated by spglib sort_idx = sort_boltztrap_to_spglib(kpoints) energies = {s: ener[:, sort_idx] for s, ener in energies.items()} velocities = {s: vel[:, sort_idx] for s, vel in velocities.items()} rlat = self._band_structure.structure.lattice.reciprocal_lattice interp_band_structure = BandStructure( kpoints, energies, rlat, efermi, structure=self._structure ) if return_velocities: return interp_band_structure, velocities return interp_band_structure
class DFTData: """DFTData object used for BoltzTraP2 interpolation. Note that the units used by BoltzTraP are different to those used by VASP. Args: kpoints: The k-points in fractional coordinates. energies: The band energies in Hartree, formatted as (nbands, nkpoints). lattice_matrix: The lattice matrix in Bohr^3. mommat: The band structure derivatives. """ def __init__( self, kpoints: np.ndarray, energies: np.ndarray, lattice_matrix: np.ndarray, mommat: np.ndarray | None = None, ): self.kpoints = kpoints self.ebands = energies self.lattice_matrix = lattice_matrix self.volume = np.abs(np.linalg.det(self.lattice_matrix)) self.mommat = mommat def get_lattvec(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get the lattice matrix. This method is required by BoltzTraP2.""" return self.lattice_matrix
[docs] class LinearInterpolator: """Class to perform linear interpolation of periodic properties. Args: kpoints: The k-points in fractional coordinates as a numpy array. with the shape (nkpoints, 3). Note, the k-points must cover the full Brillouin zone, not just the irreducible part. data: The data to interpolate. Should be given for spin up and spin down bands. If the system is not spin polarized then only spin up should be set. The data for each spin channel should be a numpy array with the shape (nbands, nkpoints, ...). The values to interpolate can be scalar or multidimensional. """ def __init__(self, kpoints: np.ndarray, data: dict[Spin, np.ndarray]): grid_kpoints, mesh_dim, sort_idx = self._grid_kpoints(kpoints) self._setup_interpolators(data, grid_kpoints, mesh_dim, sort_idx)
[docs] def interpolate(self, spin: Spin, bands: np.ndarray, kpoints: np.ndarray): """Get the interpolated data for a spin and series of bands and k-points. Args: spin: The spin channel. bands: A list of bands at which to interpolate. kpoints: A list of k-points at which to interpolate. The number of k-points must equal the number of bands. Returns: A list of interpolated values. """ v = np.concatenate([np.asarray(bands)[:, None], np.asarray(kpoints)], axis=1) return self.interpolators[spin](v)
def _setup_interpolators(self, data, grid_kpoints, mesh_dim, sort_idx): from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator x = grid_kpoints[:, 0, 0, 0] y = grid_kpoints[0, :, 0, 1] z = grid_kpoints[0, 0, :, 2] self.nbands = {s: c.shape[0] for s, c in data.items()} self.interpolators = {} for spin, spin_data in data.items(): data_shape = spin_data.shape[2:] nbands = self.nbands[spin] self.data_shape = data_shape # sort the data then reshape them into the grid. The data # can now be indexed as data[iband][ikx][iky][ikz] sorted_data = spin_data[:, sort_idx] grid_shape = (nbands, *mesh_dim, *data_shape) grid_data = sorted_data.reshape(grid_shape) # wrap the data to account for PBC pad_size = ((0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)) + ((0, 0),) * len(data_shape) grid_data = np.pad(grid_data, pad_size, mode="wrap") if nbands == 1: # this can cause a bug in RegularGridInterpolator. Have to fake # having at least two bands nbands = 2 grid_data = np.tile(grid_data, (2, 1, 1, 1) + (1,) * len(data_shape)) interp_range = (np.arange(nbands), x, y, z) self.interpolators[spin] = RegularGridInterpolator( interp_range, grid_data, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None, # method="nearest" ) @staticmethod def _grid_kpoints(kpoints): # k-points has to cover the full BZ from ifermi.kpoints import get_kpoint_mesh_dim, kpoints_to_first_bz kpoints = kpoints_to_first_bz(kpoints) mesh_dim = get_kpoint_mesh_dim(kpoints) if != len(kpoints): raise ValueError("k-points do not cover full Brillouin zone.") kpoints = np.around(kpoints, 5) # get the indices to sort the k-points on the Z, then Y, then X columns sort_idx = np.lexsort((kpoints[:, 2], kpoints[:, 1], kpoints[:, 0])) # put the kpoints into a 3D grid so that they can be indexed as # kpoints[ikx][iky][ikz] = [kx, ky, kz] grid_kpoints = kpoints[sort_idx].reshape((*mesh_dim, 3)) # Expand the k-point mesh to account for periodic boundary conditions grid_kpoints = np.pad( grid_kpoints, ((1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (0, 0)), mode="wrap" ) grid_kpoints[0, :, :] -= [1, 0, 0] grid_kpoints[:, 0, :] -= [0, 1, 0] grid_kpoints[:, :, 0] -= [0, 0, 1] grid_kpoints[-1, :, :] += [1, 0, 0] grid_kpoints[:, -1, :] += [0, 1, 0] grid_kpoints[:, :, -1] += [0, 0, 1] return grid_kpoints, mesh_dim, sort_idx
[docs] def trim_bandstructure( energy_cutoff: float, band_structure: BandStructure ) -> BandStructure: """Trim the number of bands in a band structure object based on a cutoff. Args: energy_cutoff: An energy cutoff within which to keep the bands. If the system is metallic then the bands to keep will fall within +/- the cutoff around the Fermi level. If the system has a band gap, the bands from the VBM - energy_cutoff to CBM + energy_cutoff will be kept. band_structure: A band structure. Returns: A trimmed band structure. """ if band_structure.is_metal(): min_e = band_structure.efermi - energy_cutoff max_e = band_structure.efermi + energy_cutoff else: min_e = band_structure.get_vbm()["energy"] - energy_cutoff max_e = band_structure.get_cbm()["energy"] + energy_cutoff new_bands = {} for spin, bands in band_structure.bands.items(): ibands = np.any((bands > min_e) & (bands < max_e), axis=1) new_bands[spin] = bands[ibands] return BandStructure( np.array([k.frac_coords for k in band_structure.kpoints]), new_bands, lattice=band_structure.lattice_rec, efermi=band_structure.efermi, coords_are_cartesian=False, structure=band_structure.structure, )